Saturday, August 20, 2011

The road to planning a 21st birthday celebration: the venue

I have actually considered holding it in a chalet.

Most chalets are over $150 because I am holding it on a Saturday. I am a poor kid. $150 is too much for one night. :(

The Mindef one is super pretty and affordable but they dont allow bookings for only one night. The Treehouse @ Changi looks really nice. Too bad I won't be able to hold it there. :( 

The road to planning a 21st birthday celebration: the cake

I  really want a fondant cake, but it costs soo much! Hence, I have compromised (the battle of the brain and the heart). I will get a 3D cake. I want one which incorporates my dream car: the vintage Volkswagen  Beetle. <3

No idea how the bakers are going to do it but I have emailed a few already.

On the list are Yiling confectionery, fat lady cakes and a few more home bakers.

I am on a awesomely tight budget. I would be a happy girl if I can get it for less than $100.

Alternative includes heartland bakeries. For the celebration, form over function. I want a pretty cake! Not too particular about taste. haha. 

The road to planning a 21st birthday celebration: the venue

It is hard to plan a birthday celebration. There are so many considerations and concerns.

I wanted the celebration to be small and with my close friends. However, the number grew to almost 30. No, I am not Miss Popular. It's just hard to not invite people because we hang out in a clump. This is especially so for friends made in CCAs. How would you explain to those who are not invited when they see the photos?

With the number, it is hard to hold it at my own home. My mum is almost insisting that I move it out to a Condo function room or a chalet. She says she is going to pay. But this is going to be deducted from my birthday present. I WANT MY BIRTHDAY PRESENT. Who cares if the guests are going to feel squeezed?

My family is making this celebration into a party, when it is not. I dont want fancy places or awesome food. I just want people to be there while I cut my cake.

Anyhow, given that my mama is going to pay for my life for the next 2 years, I think I better start looking for a venue.

I can hold it at a condo function room.. but I somehow feel that it would defeat the purpose of a small celebration. It would create expectations which I have no intentions of fulfilling. 

Only Aesthetics QPX

Bought the coupon from for the unlimited underarm QPX hair removal at $88. (
The price is cheap and the location is good.

I just called to set up a appointment. A China lady picked up. I doubt she understands English very well. She switched the conversation to Mandarin without even asking if I can speak Mandarin.

The place is pretty popular. I only managed to get a appointment nearly 2 weeks after.

There are a few reviews on blogs but I cant help but feel that they are sponsored. haha.

Love it? Hate it? Want to go try it? Leave a comment! :)

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